Those who choose to walk in the woods are looking for their own fairy tale.
Look for places where you can still dream of traveling low-cost but with style and good taste, living experiences that leave us with emotions of the heart, in the sense of “soulmaking” simply immersed in the green of a clearing. “Soulmaking” is a deep ecology, as Jung said, it means living and perceiving ourself in our own natural environment. Broaden one’s conscience, develop latent potentials and transform knowledge into action.
Look for vegetable gardens, woods, countryside and rural territories available for “en plein air” interventions, which not agreed the concept of French, but the idea of a human and collective need for authenticity with nature.
It is from these assumptions that the idea of Agri MagiaCamping was born, that of creating a balance between city and countryside, and to deepen the links between man, nature and architecture of natural landscapes. Welcoming tourists in a place of “silence” away from the stress of a frenetic reality to find themselves re-appropriating the intimate roots of the communities in contact with nature. Looking at the landscapes, art gives life to a different and richer history, to a rural, social and environmental culture (artisans, peasants, schools, botanical gardens, farms, greenhouses, wine cellars, woods and tourist circuit companies) where the shapes and colors of our countryside, the flavors of our gardens, the generosity of our fruits, the protection of the artistic-architectural heritage, the friendliness and hospitality of our people are the need for modernity of the current communities, of restitution and annotation of stories involving the art diary: “The art of traveling”. The masterpieces of nature and human masterpieces dialogue with a single absolute concept: the primordial beauty. Our art becomes familiar with nature: in contact with the secrets of the earth, the breaths of light, the change of seasons and crops. The objective of the Agri MagiaCamping is to make the guest feel at home, directing it towards the awareness that the environment can still be protected and enhanced, and that the right promotion of the territory can only increase an action of solidarity and of confidence with the inhabitants and the places. Trust in art is like trust in a harvest, difficult and worthy of the unexpected but of unpredictable beauty and satisfaction. The ancient history of our territory, the fulcrum of Norman, Arab, Greek and Byzantine roots, will help us to broaden our creative horizons. It is a unique experience for the traveler who decides to live breathing in the open air, in the open air, under the clouds and near the trees. His gaze will be the object of the itinerary of reflection on the economic and agricultural transformations that will be projected in the actuality of every day thanks to the vital presence of each of us.

Associazione di Promozione Sociale
70026 Modugno (Ba)
C.F.: 93444700723
Contrada La Pigna (8,66 km)
70026 Modugno
Prenotazione piazzole:
Tel. + 39 393 8651076